
Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year, New Outlook

Sorry it's been a while since my last post. I tried once or twice to start a blog, but then would get interrupted or the internet would cut and then I just got lazy as time went on. Not to mention depressed. So here's the December recap. Ironically, the week after I posted that I only had to work one day was the longest week. It turns out my coworker had a minor stroke, so they called me in to cover for her. Conveniently enough, I got a realllly bad cold, so it made my week long and miserable. And then came the holiday/culture shock depression. I had my ideas of how my celebrations would be abroad, and these did not come to fruition. I had expectations that I didn't even know about until reality came crashing in. I think I cried more days than I didn't in the last couple of weeks. Some days I wondered to myself if I was even happy. Yet by God's grace, I made it through and I feel so much better. It's like coming to those realizations lifted an enormous burden off of me. Not to mention the holidays are over. I'm starting this new year fresh. And I want to have a positive outlook. No resolutions for me. I already have issues with unmet expectations; I don't want to put more pressure on myself. Sure, there are things that I would like to see happen, but mostly in 2012 (and the rest of life) I want to learn to let go. I'll try harder to keep updating here, so you aren't in the dark as to how life is going.

Pray requests:
*Better and more consistent quiet times.
*Saturday I'm moving in with my friend, so pray for the transition from just friends to roommates and then also having to live with someone again after a long while.. it may or may not be difficult.
*I'm singing tomorrow at church. Pray that God uses it for his glory.
*Pray that I find joy in my job. Of course I love the little ones, but I dread going to work each day.

That's all I can think of. Thanks for being patient with me!

1 comment:

Caroline R said...

Tell us about your new roomie!

Praying for all your transitions, Tracy.

love, Caroline