
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Week 1: done.

So it's been a week, and today I found the blog of a fellow GLT-er in Nepal. Reading her blog really encouraged me to make this time count. I realized that for the most part, I've been holed up in my room, on facebook. Or wasting time on lame websites. Reading her blog opened up my eyes. The way she is experiencing Nepal and REALLY living inspires me to do the same. I don't want this to just be a study abroad where I learn some stuff. I want this to become home to me. I want to really know this place in a way no tourist can. I don't just want to get through it and go home. I'm here. And I want to be present in every single moment. I kinda wish I didn't have wifi in this house. It makes it so much more easy to waste time inside. Mackenzie talked about all the walking she's doing in Nepal. I have only walked a few blocks. This is my goal. Walk everyday. Know my surroundings. Know my neighborhood. Make friends with a neighbor. Or the man that owns the tiny store around the corner. Find a local cafe that I like. Learn to love the rain. I'm looking at a bird sitting one the telephone wire outside. It's pouring rain, and there he sits. I have an umbrella. Rain should not keep me indoors. And when I am indoors. Read. Spend time in the word. Read all the materials I have for school. Don't get behind. Don't procrastinate. Set deadlines. Achieve them. Get off of Facebook. From now on, three days a week. That's still a lot. But I'll ween myself down.

Father, forgive me for taking this experience for granted so far. Help me to really learn to live here. Heal me of my lame addiction to the internet. Give me motivation and discipline to follow through with all I've said.

1 comment:

Carolyn West said...

I definitely understand how easy it is to be a home body haha. I'm very proud of you for realizing that and creating a plan for how to overcome any fears of leaving your comfort zone. I'm sure it will just make your experiences there even more amazing.
Oh and teaching classes on femininity sounds soooo cool!