
Friday, October 21, 2011

So. Busy.

I never thought I would be so busy here! Each day, I teach 3 classes and then hang out with students for a bit then usually go home to change and then end up going out to eat with people and having good conversation and/or hang out time and then return home around 9, just in time to waste a few minutes on Facebook, shower and go to bed again. This is four out of seven days a week. The other days have not held much more rest! Last Friday, I went to the Grand Palace with one of my classes and then came back, changed and went to practice at church because I was singing and playing that night. (It went well, by the way. Check Facebook for the video to appear eventually.) Then Saturday, I went to lunch and Karaoke with another class. We ended up eating and singing for 4 hours! After that, I came home and packed a bag because I was going to have a sleepover with my cell group as a party for our friend Joy's going away party. So we stayed up late and hung out and then had cell group the next morning. And it was raining, so we stayed there all day and did facials and played music and hung out. And then I came back and went to dinner with friends. And then it was time to go to bed to start the new week! I have no time to be lonely at all! I also need to be careful about giving myself time to relax. I haven't been the greatest at spending time in prayer lately. I read at least a chapter in my Bible everyday, but then again, I'm reading through Ezekiel right now, and sometimes it's hard to glean applicable info. Lately I've been practicing with the band form church because I am singing again this week. It's really an honor to be asked, because they want worship to be Thai-led. It's a great blessing to get to share two songs in just a few weeks. Last night we had our English for Fun night. This month it was in the form of a speech contest, of which I was a judge and also got to share a bit of my testimony (why I came to Thailand). It was a great night, and my students did wonderfully. One of them won! I am so proud! Today I said no to something for the first time. I knew I needed to just be for a bit. I was able to read and receive and pray and spend some quality time with my Savior. It's been a good morning. I also got to talk to my family and my friend via skype. Soon I will be going to the mall to buy a couple gifts for my "buddy" that I will have at family camp. But we don't know if family camp is happening yet because of flood possibilities. Bang Kapi has remained dry so far, but places near us have been hit. I have been told that supposedly today it will happen. I'm past the point of trying to prepare though. It seems like it will never come. (But don't worry, I have cereal and food bars and dried noodles and water.) The place we are supposed to go for family camp may or may not be flooding this weekend, so it's really up in the air right now. But I'd really like to go because I want to get to know the people I have only seen once or twice. And I want to spend time with people I already love. I'm very excited, so I hope it doesn't get cancelled. Monday is a holiday, so I only have 3 days left of this session at Santisuk. Then I really have to pray about where God wants me in November. I've been told by the director at Santisuk that if a job comes along, it would be okay for me to take it. I don't know yet if that's what God has for me. Or if I should stay at Santisuk for one more session to gain experience and have more time to learn Thai. I really don't know. Please be in prayer about that, that God will make very clear which steps I am to take. Okay, time to be off again!

Run, run, run

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