
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Too Long

Soooo... I have a bit to write about. Because it's been a while since last time. So Thursday I went back to CHC and got to pick the menu for the upcoming symposium. And other stuff, but I forget what that was. But it POURED all day! When I left in the morning, I was sunny, so I didnt have a jacket or an umbrella. Luckily my supervisor lent me her umbrella. I would have been drenched! But I was still pretty unhappy, but that's only because I wore new shoes that gave me a fatty blister! I was really happy that my new pants were water resistant, so the droplets mostly rolled off. Yay! Ew! And on my way down to the subway, this guy was walking behind me, and I heard "mmmMMmmm." Three times. I looked up and he was RIGHT next to me, looking at me. Then he said, "That's a mighty nice sweater you're wearing, lady." Ew.
Friday was a good day. We discussed some of Shane Claiborne and what we've been learning. And I got to lead worship. I think it went well. I do know that it was hard for people to sing along becuase I played mostly new songs, but I hate being stuck with an arsonal of like 5 overplayed ones. But I did hear song people singing harmony, which made me VERY happy! All I could do was my best, and I think God used that. Since then, I've had many of my classmates (and even my professor) tell me that I did a great job. So that was great. That night, a bunch of us went to a place called Pairspace or Pehrspace or something. Whatever. It was a small lounge place with live bands. Friday night happened to be Hella Hipster Hoedown night.. Yea. It was BYOB. But they did provide cornbread and cupcakes and apple cider. At first we thought there was weed cornbread because there were two choices: "doctored up" and "just plain good." I avoided those that were doctored up. But we found out they were just made with chilis. Not pot. It was good to be able to hang out with people, even though it wasn't exactly my scene. I'm glad I went. Then Christy spent the night again. We didn't have any adventures while waiting for the bus, because we knew when it would come this time.
Saturday was a great day! The sun was actualy shining for the day! Christy and I headed over to Hollywood for my first time thriftstore shopping! We went to Melrose. I confess, I did buy a dress that wasn't from a thriftstore, but it was super cute! :) And then we went to Crossroads and I bought really nice suede boots for $25, which is a steal! and i got some tights, a sweater, and another dress. Wonderful. Then we went to American Vintage. Cool place. Some of the clothes remind me of my great grandmother. Yessiree. Then we walked for forever and went to Yogurtland, which was delish. And then we went home. I had a great day. And it was even better because we had carne asada for dinner. Nothing tops that!
Sunday, I decided to try out West Angelus church, aka the Dream Center. What a show. A feel-good church. They started at 10 o'clock with "Who's excited to be here today?!" followed by the audience screaming. Really. I'm not making it up. They actually did that. Needless to say, after my assignment (which requires that I go twice) I'll be looking for a new place. I'm really wanting to try First A.M.E. Rod goes there, and he likes it a lot. So maybe I will too. Maybe it will be normal, whatever normal is. It was the worst day to leave my phone at home, though everything worked out in the end. Christy and I found each other at church, and I was able to come home before Krista and Nicholas gave up on seeing me. The three of us wet to lunch and chatted it up for a bit. It was good to see them for a while. We went to the world-famous Tepeyac. I have to admit, I was good, but I was not used to grease! The rest of the day was uneventful as I only started reading for homework. Not much more.
Monday we had our retreat for class. We went to Paul's house for a pancake brunch and were supposed to go hiking at JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab), but we refused because it was pouring. We were soaked simply walking from the metro stop to his house. So instead, we watched Sicko, a movie on public health that we had mentioned in class. So much for getting away from it all. But the movie (by Michael Moore [enough said?]) posed several interesting questions as it looked at the universal health care systems of Canada, the UK, France and Cuba. People were ctually cared for, rather than turned away so insurance companies could save a buck. What happened to the value of human life? There are few drawbacks to universal health care, and many of the believed myths were dispelled. I blame the capitalist system. And I'm moving to France. Ok, I'm not, but still something needs to be done. I'm excited for what Obama's going to do with our health care. I'm hoping he implements universal health care. It's about time we started actually taking care of people. After the movie, we had a short devotion and a 20 minute prayer session, which really rejuvenated me. Then we went bowling! But only one game. That part made me sad, but oh well- APU paid for it! :) After that, we went to some deli across the street with random stuff. I ordered their apparently famous #1, the combination. And it was disgusting. Thanks, Paul, for the recommendation. And the boba thai tea didn't even make it better because that was bitter with bad boba. :( Boo. Then we came home and I got to talk to Gabriel for a while, which made me very happy. I was not remotely interested in watching Gossipgirl after last week's episode. I think I'm done with the show. It was out of line, and I was disappointed. But One Tree Hill was a rerun, just like two weeks ago. Why can't they play two new episodes in a row, dangit! Whatevs. I went to sleep. :)
Today I went back to CHC. I finally figured out what I'm doing there. I'm pretty much the event planer for the symposium, which I found out I get to go to! And I'm speaking at the coalition meeting next week about my discoveries on my Expired Food Policy hunt (which was nothing). I'm home and doing homework. And praying that Emily and Allie get to come on Thursday. We just have to find them a ride.
Prayer time! I have an issue with roommates. Maybe it's that I've just given up and don't really want to try. But I find that I get anoyed rather easily. I know I should, but I just don't care. You live your life, and leave me alone, and I'll do the same for you. I feel like such a jerk writing that. But that's how I've felt lately. Other than that, I feel like I've been getting a better grasp on what's going on around me, so pray that that continues and I don't feel as lost again. Pray that Emily and Allie get to come. I know that sounds small, but to be able to share my experience with people would be so wonderful! That's all I can think of.
Until next time,

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