
Friday, February 27, 2009

Question of the Day

Is it a sin to see a homeless man on the street and keep walking?


S B Kelly said...

sooo....i actually read this yesterday, but I don't have an answer for you. That's why I didn't comment before. But you definitely challenged me to pray about this! Thanks girl.

k_retep said...

when i read this i thought of the sermon on the mount in the part with the six antitheses. its like mathew 5 and 6. but yea our college pastor at our church was talking a lot about really seems like a sin to me if you keep walking. but the thing is, im not sure its as simple as a yes or no answer. i think it depends on the situation. our pastor was talking about that we were blessed with money so we could bless others with it and give it away. that they would see that we dont hold on to money, that we hold on to something else. but that doesnt mean that we have to give to everyone who asks, it means give to those who will be most impacted by that outpouring of love. yea it would be great if we could give money to everyone, but im not made of money and neither is anyone esle, so i think its a matter of discernment. i think the church as a whole is capable of blessing everyone, but a single person certainly isnt. even though they might be in need, is our contact with them going to be of impact? i dunno. ive been struggling with alot of these questions lately too.

Amber said...

So I've been lacking on keeping up with everyone who is all over the world...but. I don't think its a sin to walk away from someone who might be homeless. I think that if you are supposed to help them God will challenge your heart and most of the time he does because we are much more blessed then someone who is homeless. But maybe the question is instead 'is it a sin to know you can help them but still walk away.' Because we can help...even if its the smallest bit of encouragement or prayer we can do something. But i dont think it is okay if God puts a tugging at our heart and we ignore that and keep walking. That's just my opinion and what I believe to be true. I'm glad your thinking of these things and being aware. You are amazing!