
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cutting It Close.

So today I went to Maranata for a final time to say goodbye (and get all my paperwork signed and such!). I learned yesterday that Americans are terrible with goodbyes. We say the words once, then we hug and we're out. Here, people say goodbyes for a week or more! So I'm glad I got to go back. Upon seeing me, Beatriz jumped up and shouted "NOOOOOO!!!" like she couldn't believe I was standing there. And Carla came out and when she hugged me, she immediately started crying. It was one of those days. "Those days" in Maranata speak means that the person wants to give up and leave. And speaking of leaving.. Ivana, the youngest (17) and the one who named her baby after me, gave up. The girls told me that Thursday after I left and after all the festivities of Nadia's birthday, Ivana up and left. That made me sad. It felt kind of like a defeat, even in the midst of celebration with all the girls today. But when I gave them their new Bible and the Battlefield of the Mind books, they were so excited! I'm pretty sure after I left, they would come back from taking their medication and begin reading all of it together. They were so happy they would potentially be able to understand God's word! And that made me happy. So happy.

What also made me happy is that Daniela called. We have a date with the barrio toba tomorrow night at 6. Talk about cutting it close! But God is a God of his word, and when we trust him, he pulls through (and usually surpasses our expectations, so I'm hopping these interviews will give me EXACTLY what I need). And I think I can get it. If I can get Daniela to transcribe all the interviews, I can possibly get someone else to translate them. That way she isn't buried in work, and I can still get what I need.

We have a good God, no? Be praying for Ivana.

1 comment:

Carolyn West said...

I'm so happy to see that you appear to be leaving on a fairly good note. I will be praying for you and Ivana. And I can't wait to see you in less than two weeks!!! Travel safe...and work hard!!! Love you!